[Ch4-205]How to create a customer-oriented financial service Reinventing the wheel with Amazon x Finatext

10/21 14:00-14:35 Channel 4


Amazon continues to innovate by sticking to its customers. Amazon Web Services was developed as a platform to support that innovation. And now, "Finatext" is working on the most invention of financial services by utilizing the platform. Starting with a mobile app for consumers, we are expanding into a securities and insurance platform business in a short period of time, and are trying to change the state of financial services. In this session, we will discuss how AWS cloud solution have evolved as a platform to support financial innovation, and how Fintech's leading company Finatext is trying to invent customer-oriented financial services by taking advantage of it.

Amazon Web Service Japan K.KHead of Financial Services Business Development - Japan Mr. Iida Tetsuo
Finatext Holdings Ltd.CEO / Co-Founder Mr. Ryota Hayashi