  • 日程10/18
  • 時間14:30-15:30
  • 場所Room C

Simultaneous Interpretation available

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Global innovation for digital health

While digital health can provide new value to individual, healthcare provider, insurer, government and business, data treatment is important and sensitive privacy/ethical issues. We need to create a good solution and alliance for new digital health with trust. Experts who lead the world's digital health will give lectures on the current state of digital health innovation in each country and discuss initiatives for digital health innovation.

    • Speaker

      Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
      Chief Clinical Officer HIMSS

      Dr. Charles Alessi

    • Speaker

      MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

      Dr. Brian Anthony

    • Speaker

      Digital Health Center
      Director of the Digital Health Center

      Dr. Erwin Bettinger

    • Moderator

      Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan

      Mr. Jonathan Soble