[Ch2-302]The future of digital transformation in Japan and the United States

10/22 11:45-12:35 Channel 2


Mr. Allen Miner, who has a top-class investment record in Japan for US BtoB SaaS, and Mr. Sakai, who promotes digital transformation on the front line at IPA, will engage in a dialog and introduce the latest digital transformation situation in the US. They will also consider the DX challenges of Japanese companies by comparing them with the US. They will then discuss what digital transformation is, in line with global competition and national interests.

SunBridge Corp.SunBridge Group Chairman & CEO Mr. Allen Miner
Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan Counsellor General Manager for Digital Transformation Promotion Mr. Masayoshi Sakai
SunBridge Inc. President Mr. Takuya Kajikawa