[Ch3-106]IT Trend Survey-Cloud / Big Data / IoT / AI User Trends-

10/20 15:00-15:50 Channel 3


JEITA/IT Platform Business Committee conducts a user usage trend survey every year to grasp trends in IT usage.
In this session, based on the results of this trend survey and server shipment statistics, trends in IT investment budgets and IT themes, the status of contributions to society through improvements in server performance and progress in virtualization, and trends in the proper use of cloud and on-premises. We will report on the expected values for future demand for systems for IoT / big data / AI.

Introduction of IT Platform Business Committee/presentation sumarry
Chairman, IT Platform Business Committee Mitsubishi Electric Information Network Corporation Mr. Masahiro Ishii
Platform market trends
Chairman, Platform Market CommitteeFUJITSU LIMITED Mr. Yoshio Fukuda
IT user trend survey
Chairman, Platform Planning CommitteeHitachi, Ltd. Mr. Yasushi Iida
AI Business General Survey
Fuji Chimera Research Institute, Inc. Mr. Harunobu Tobe